
Scheduling Tip for Doing Your Workouts at Home Instead of Postponing It Forever

Many of us know the feeling when we know how many benefits there are in exercising, but there are always excuses due to which we postpone training from day to day. You need to realize that without a big goal, you can’t build a regular training process.

The first thing to do is to come up with such a goal, for example, to complete a circuit training 15 times a month, that is, every other day. And don’t say you won’t find 15-20 minutes every other day. It’s only 5 hours a month

Set small goals for yourself to move forward in the right direction. Steps or tasks will be anything that once again reminds you of the need for training or helps to record your progress. For example, you can take a calendar sheet, an application, or a diary, create a plan there, leave it in a conspicuous place and monitor its implementation.

Pre-Workout Nutrition Advice 

If you want to work out in the morning on an empty stomach, then this is quite normal for a short workout, exercise, light cardio, or stretching. However, if you have kettlebells and dumbbells at home, for example, and you can easily arrange full-fledged strength training, it is better to eat in advance and prepare yourself a snack afterward.

Before training for 1-1.5 hours, carbohydrates and proteins are just right.

Chicken with rice and vegetables is a great example.

Water for Training 

We can’t skip the point about water, because without it our body will not be easy, especially if you play sports, sweat – you are in danger of dehydration. A couple of sips of water between sets is the right solution to the problem. Drink water, and don’t worry if your weight grows after starting regular workouts – the muscles hold it and nutrients. With a shortage of kcal, it will definitely go down.

Preparation for Training  

Preparation is more than half the battle. For example, use a mat and dumbbells for home workouts. They lie in a convenient place so that it is easy to get them – this is also an important point in order not to shirk regular workouts.

You can draw up a training program for a home yourself, or search for the suitable one on the internet – there are plenty of YouTube videos. It’s convenient, and you don’t need to think about anything, turn on your favorite video and let’s go. By the way, when training at home, you can be freer in choosing clothes, even jump in shorts, but what should not be forgotten is to wear sneakers even at home. Never exercise barefoot unless it’s stretching, yoga, or Pilates.

And also do not forget about the warm-up, joint gymnastics, or at least jumping in place to warm up the muscles.

Fresh Indoor Air 

The well-being and performance of a person are closely related to the quality of the air where one works and rests. It is determined by the concentration of carbon dioxide CO2 in the room, which directly depends on the processes of human life – because we exhale it. Imagine how carbon dioxide levels rise when we exercise in a room. The main advice – be sure to exercise in a ventilated area. And don’t forget about maintaining clean air during training.


Always stretch after your workout, don’t be lazy. The possibilities of the body will become wider, the range of motion will be greater, which means that the main type of fitness will be even more productive. Stretch the muscles gradually, very carefully. You should feel a pulling sensation. When your body gets used to the load, you can increase it. So, gradually, you will train your body. Do not try to do “everything at once”, so you can get a serious sprain.

The benefits of stretching are obvious in everyday life: your range of motion will increase significantly. It will become easier for you to climb stairs, put on shoes, get the things you need from the top shelf, or lift from the ground.

To maximize the benefits of stretching, it must be done regularly. Flexibility and elasticity of muscles are quickly lost in the absence of constant loads. Let’s agree that even if you do not plan a workout today, you will do some simple stretching exercises at home.

Skincare After Training 

Skincare is very important, if you find at least 20 minutes for a workout, then you will find 5 minutes in the shower to give yourself a self-massage or scrub, or both.

Then, after a shower, be sure to apply a skin moisturizer. Massage and skincare have a significant effect on your appearance, as well as morale, especially if you use products with pleasant aromas. If you have little time, then try to use body gels that are quickly absorbed, if you have enough time, then the best advice is to apply body oils to continue self-massage, and stretch your muscles. Small rituals lead to serious results, but on one condition – regular repetition.

Nutrition After Training 

After training, do not be afraid of food. Keep track of your daily calorie intake and eat without a twinge of conscience even after exercising There are many different opinions, disputes and studies, but if you look even wider, our body is still a mystery to scientists. Insulin responses, peaks, etc. are unnecessary information for most people whose life is not about showing their body. I’m still talking more about a healthy lifestyle for a wide range of people, so don’t worry that you eat something after a workout, don’t wait an hour, two, someone is afraid to eat for 3 hours so as not to gain what burned in training.

This is all nonsense and does not suit ordinary working or studying people, take care of your digestion and eat little and often, so that most of the 90% percent of the diet is healthy foods, then you will see how your body changes.

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