
How to Train 10 Minutes a Day and See the Result?

Many people dream of getting in shape. However, one of the main reasons stopping them is a lack of time and/or money to go to the gym. But what if I tell you that it can only take ten minutes every day  and zero dollars? Well, bet now you are interested. I got this concept from the self-care book by Jennifer Ashton and can say, without a doubt – it really works! So now, let’s get down to the core.
In general, the method is about choosing the most effective couple of exercises that work for you and devoting 5 minutes to each. Start with a small and easy-to-make number and gradually increase it. I promise, by the end of the second week, you will notice changes already.
And as for what exercises to choose, I recommend picking push-ups and plank workouts. Why? There are several reasons.

Push-ups Make Almost Every Muscle Work 

Push-ups are not only good for your arms and chest. They strengthen hard-to-train muscles of the back, hips, legs, and abs. They work both with large muscle groups and with more minor, secondary muscles, often weak even in trained athletes. Finally, push-ups improve the sense of balance.
Physiologists, athletes, and medical editors at Harvard University have called push-ups “the world’s greatest” and “perfect” exercise.

Do It Right  

If even the very thought of lying on the floor is painful for you, start pushing up from the wall: tilt your body at an angle, lean on your palms, bend and unbend your elbows so that your chest is as close to the wall as possible. Also, you can try kneeling push-ups: get on all fours with your back flat, elbows bent so that your nose almost touches the floor, and use your arms and chest to push yourself up. Or try a standard push-up with your knees on the floor and your feet slightly elevated.

Lots of Benefits 

Push-ups increase metabolic processes and help you lose weight. After strength training, the body burns more calories than during cardio because it has to repair muscles. In addition, strength training stimulates the production of growth hormones, which helps improve physical fitness, lose more weight, and slow down the aging process. Finally, push-ups are a load-bearing exercise: they help stimulate bone growth and repair, preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Miraculous Plank 

Think of the plank as preparation for push-ups. It provides a full-body workout covering a wide range of muscles: arms, chest, legs, thighs, lower back, and abs. By comparison, traditional crunches and sit-ups mostly only work with abs.

Back Problems?  

The plank helps to reduce the risk of diseases and back injuries. It strengthens the deep abdominal muscles and the muscles surrounding the spine, allowing the body to support the back when you are exercising, walking, standing, or sitting.

Improve Your Plank  

With the classic plank, the body should form a straight line from the heels and legs, through the buttocks and back, and ending with the torso and head. Don’t arch your back or let your hips drop to the floor. To prevent your hips from “dropping,” squeeze your gluteal muscles. Keep your palms on the floor, don’t let your shoulder blades sink in, as this will add extra tension to your upper body and arms. Remember to look down, not in the mirror – looking ahead will increase neck and lower back tension. Ensure your forearms align with your shoulders and your feet are shoulder-width apart. And don’t forget to breathe during the plank!


Holding the plank and pushing up is not so easy. But there are ways to make exercising easier and more enjoyable. Here are some tips.
1. Exercise in the morning
The morning routine ensured that the author was exercising rather than waiting and hoping she would have free time during the day or at the gym so that she wouldn’t have to work late or be too tired when she got home.

2. Get in the mood!
Whether turning on the radio, using your smartphone, listening to a podcast on your computer, or turning up the volume on your favorite morning TV show, music, or other soundtracks can help keep you distracted and reach your goals faster.

3. Find an exercise partner
By sharing this challenge with a colleague, friend, or family member, you can control and motivate each other.

4. Start with comfortable numbers
When the book author posted the challenge on social media, women and men wrote that they started with a few push-ups. Others admitted that they could only hold the plank for a few seconds. Jennifer was encouraged that people are willing to improve even without essential physical fitness.
The point is to do as many push-ups and planks as possible and improve over time.

5. Don’t be afraid to modify the plank
If you find it difficult to hold a classic plank or experience pain or discomfort in your back, neck, or shoulders, try adding a side plank. Or, if having a particular position for a long time is too hard for you, try holding the plank several times for ten seconds with short breaks between sets.

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