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How to Create a Balance Around You?

If you are here, then you have been in search of balance for a significant time now. Like many people, often we are so busy with everyday tasks that we completely forget about ourselves, and burnout sets in. The reason is quite simple – we direct all our energy to study, work, business, or problems, the severity of which does not allow us to relax.

As a result, life goes on, but there is no progress, or it does not satisfy us, and we continue to suffer. This brings health problems and destroys the psyche.

What Is the Balance? 

This is an immeasurable value, which is formed along with the pleasure of the result achieved. And it’s not about the race for success, because it lies in different moments for each person. The best thing you can do for yourself is to continue searching for the development of life aspects, improve your psycho-emotional state and the world around you.

As you move in the right direction, with every step you take, you will replenish your energy reserves, begin to notice the results of your efforts, and smile more often.

What Can You Do for Yourself? 

Improve Sleep 

Lack of sleep leads to an imbalance in our body, increases the production of the hormone cortisol, and at the same time increases appetite. According to statistics, to replenish energy for a person with a healthy psyche, 7-9 hours of sleep per day will be enough.

If you have trouble falling asleep due to stress, try a daily ritual of hot bath/shower, chamomile, or peppermint tea, and a nice recommendation would be to put a drop of lavender oil on your pillow.


There are a lot of common issues like lack of energy, drowsiness and poor health, and cravings for sweets. Many people search for advice on vitamins, which ones to buy, and so on. But in fact, the first thing to start with before taking synthetic supplements is to make the diet really complete and balanced. Junk food makes us even more lethargic. It is necessary to monitor not only the quantity of nutrients, but also their quality. Due to the fact that you will follow the diet and include in it a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, a variety of protein, and complex carbohydrates, you will see positive changes in your well-being, you will have more strength, and you will notice that your immunity has become better and you have become less sick.

Create a Safe Space 

Sometimes it is difficult for us to make time for ourselves, but it is vital in the rhythm of modern life. A perfect suggestion for you is to find a place at home where you can take a break from social media, like reading a book or painting. Arrange it the way you want. For example, it can be a cozy armchair or sofa, or it can be a desktop with a beautiful decoration above it.


Our brains just need a rest, and one way to stop the endless dialogue in our heads is meditation. There is no magic in this process. In fact, this is just one of the exercises for our brain. Find a comfortable seat, sit with your back straight and close your eyes. Try to relax your body by directing your attention to tense areas of the body. You can meditate in silence, you can turn on mantras. Direct your attention to the breath or mantra. If you realize that you have begun to think about something else, then do not scold yourself, but slowly return your attention to your breathing. Do not get involved in the thoughts, emotions, and sensations that arise. It can be hard to get rid of them, because our brain is used to analyzing everything. But the purpose of meditation is not even that, but concentration on the breath. The effects of meditation won’t be immediate, but in the long run, it can improve your life tremendously.

Practice “Wheel of Life Balance” 

This is a very simple and accessible method of analyzing your life, on the basis of which you can develop a further plan of action. You look at your life in different aspects, noting the satisfaction with each of them. It literally takes only 15 minutes, and you will immediately see where something is missing places.

It should be noted that there is no ideal scheme – everyone has their own, it all depends on the priorities and ambitions of a person in life. After you see your life through the prism of the wheel of balance, then think about what steps you can take to tighten the weak points. For example, you have financial problems, and you should think about saving 10% of your income every month no matter what. In addition, there are health problems – you will understand that it is time to change the regimen and start following all the tips from this article.

Relationships With Others 

As you may have noticed, the previous points were for independent work, but we must not forget that we live in society and the people around us directly influence our lives. Analyze whether you have problems in communication, or unresolved conflicts. Perhaps you haven’t called a friend who has lived in another city for a long time. See how you can bring quality communication into your life. Maybe you should sign up for dance classes or take friends to the theater. Such a pleasant pastime also has a positive effect on our psycho-emotional state.

Nature and Sports

Here the advice will be short – at every opportunity, go to nature or to training. The first one heals, you know this because observing nature can also be called meditation. And training as taking care of the body in general has a positive effect on our health and weight.

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