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How exercise affects metabolism, skin and body condition

Exercises affect the hair, skin, general health, and energy level. But how can it influence metabolism, skin, and body condition? Read on in our material.

Many people have heard the phrase “Sport for life”. It is not an exaggeration at all. Regular physical activity affects the body in a completely unique way. Sports help reduce the stress level, improve metabolism, increase endurance, stimulate the immune system, increase energy levels, lower cholesterol and sugar levels, help restore the balance of hormones, and reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. Nowadays, everyone can choose a type of training that would really bring pleasure: running, swimming, yoga, tennis, fitness, sports dancing, bodybuilding, etc.

Physical activity is good for your health – everyone knows that. But beyond that, there is growing evidence that exercise improves skin tone, detoxifies the body, and relieves edema. “Skin is the largest organ that eliminates toxins as efficiently as the liver. Toxins are excreted with sweat, and as a result, one not only feels better but also looks younger. It’s simple: the oxygen-rich blood rushing to the skin brings nutrients and hormones to it. You may have noticed it yourself: your skin begins to glow if you constantly work out. It’s not the kind of sweat that people leave the gym with; rather, it’s the cumulative effect that comes when you constantly get your blood flowing with exercise.

Sport certainly makes the body stronger, there are three types of exercise: aerobic, strength, and stretching.

The aerobic activity lasts at least 30 minutes without a break, and the heart rate is steady and at least 50% of the maximum possible.

Strength training is performed with the help of machines, usually with the use of additional weights in the form of dumbbells, pancakes, weights, and so on. Strength exercises help to build up muscle mass.

Stretching is good to perform before the aerobic or power load, as well as at the end of the workout. Stretching helps to warm up muscles at the beginning, and at the end, it saturates them with oxygen and helps them recover faster.

Top models get in shape with high-intensity workouts like those to prepare for a shoot or show, and this becomes less and less popular – mostly because they’re grueling. Exhaustion after the gym and general fatigue, as well as the muscle soreness that follows, take away motivation and encourage you to end the unpleasant physical activity as soon as possible. To alleviate your condition, it is better, firstly, to alternate loads with quiet stretching, yoga, or pilates.

Aerobic physical activity – jogging, dancing, swimming, Nordic walking, etc. – helps us speed up our metabolism. Such exercises make the heart and lungs work better. After completing an aerobic workout, fat continues to burn for another 2-3 hours. Ideally, you should keep your heart rate during aerobic exercise within 60-80% of the maximum possible (the maximum heart rate is calculated by the formula: 220 minus age). As long as a person sticks to this range during a workout, he gets the maximum effect of the exercise. But there are limitations here. If you have cardiovascular disease, obesity, which limits walking, diabetes, heart pain, and craniocerebral injuries, it is worth consulting with your doctor before starting any workouts.

Accelerated metabolism has a good effect on the condition of your face and body. Thanks to physical activity, the cells are saturated with oxygen, blood microcirculation improves, thanks to this, toxins are effectively eliminated from the body, swellings decrease, dark circles under the eyes disappear, skin becomes tighter, stretch marks disappear, it gets a healthy look and shine. There is even such a term as gym skin.

The passion for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition has greatly influenced the beauty industry. Of course, sport and good nutrition contribute to good health and radiant skin, but in periods of great strain and intensive regime taking vitamins is essential.

But for good metabolism, beautiful skin, and body, in addition to physical activity, it is important to eat right, to avoid foods with gluten, refined sugar, fast carbohydrates, trans-fats, animal dairy products, etc. All these products slow down the metabolism, increase the level of inflammation in the body and provoke the development of chronic diseases. It is also important to eliminate stress: fix your sleep patterns and go to bed on time to produce hormones properly. Also, closing your deficits is very vital. And only by bringing these components of your life to perfection can you expect your metabolism, skin, body, and health to stay at a high level.

To sum it up, your routine should include the 3-4 times a week aerobic workouts and 2-3 times a week strength training. Of course, each workout should include stretching. Aerobic and strength training can be combined. Change the types of sports activities so that you do not get bored with the activity. And remember that you can go long to the desired result, but the effect of training, if you stop exercising, is lost after 2 weeks, and after a month, the muscles begin to lose their shape. So keep up the hard work!

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