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Tired of Feeling Tired – What Are the Possible Causes and What to Do to Get Your Energy Back

It seems that fatigue has already become a talking point. This is as common as, for example, discussing what you’re gonna eat for dinner tonight, or your plans for the weekend. No one rushes to visit the doctor and does not worry about being in this unpleasant and dangerous condition even for a long time.

Of course, the feeling of chronic exhaustion does not come overnight. Without realizing it, we build our lives brick by brick with unhealthy habits, routines, and mindsets that poison our lives worse than even a lack of sleep which is often cited as a cause of fatigue. Look at what we’re gonna talk about below – it’s quite possible that you will recognize your “vices” and finally take steps towards better well-being.

Start with a Health Check…

If you haven’t done a single comprehensive body check in your entire life, it’s probably time to do it now. You work so much so you definitely deserve to check the vital functions of your body. In addition, sometimes the implementation of certain tips, for example, about increasing physical activity, while having possible diseases, can only aggravate your condition. For instance, thyroid problems are often accompanied by fatigue – so pay attention to this especially if your parents have a thyroid disease.

Having passed a general blood test, it is already possible to draw up a general picture of the state of your body, and if you notice deviations from the norm, be sure to consult your doctor. Sudden drops or spikes in blood sugar levels can make you feel very tired and weak. Many people suffer from fatigue due to anemia, when there is an interruption in the production of blood cells and the transport of oxygen throughout the body due to a lack of iron.

…Improve the Quality of Sleep, Nutrition, and Info Hygiene

Of course, we could not help touching on the issue of sleep. Here are the main points to focus on to improve your night’s rest:

  1. lack or excess of sleep. Both factors are equally negatively reflected in the quality of your well-being. No matter how hardy your body is, sleeping less than 6-7 hours a day is not recommended by doctors, as well as more than 10 hours; 8 hours has long been considered the golden mean;
  2. going to bed at different times. Even if you sleep for 10 hours but go to bed too early or late, your body rhythms will go wrong and you won’t feel rested. Take into account your chronotype (early bird or night owl) and try to go to rest at about the same time, be it 10 pm or 1 am.
  3. take care of the appropriate conditions in your bedroom. It is not recommended to sleep at temperatures above 22 degrees and with the light on, even if it is a small night light. You may feel ill-rested after sleeping in a new place – this is normal.
  4. do not pick up electronic gadgets for at least an hour before bedtime and also in the morning. Let your nervous system rest in the evening and take your time before “getting tuned” into work, problems, etc. in the morning.

Well, healthy sleep is already an incredible support for the whole body. But add here a balanced and regular diet and you will not recognize yourself in a week. Those who are used to delaying breakfast until lunch time should understand that their body is working on substances that it received many hours ago, before bedtime. To get a new boost of energy for the day, and not just for the first couple of hours, you need to start the morning with breakfast instead of coffee.

Speaking of coffee. Let’s say a cup of coffee in the morning can be justified. But more than three cups a day, especially after dinner, will not do the job and fulfil their primary purpose. In addition, people often tend to replace water with coffee without replenishing the body’s vital moisture balance. Why drink pure water? Because it cleanses the cells and removes toxins in the best way. If you don’t want certain organs in your body to fail due to lack of water and cleansing, drink water regularly, especially when your hand reaches for a cup of coffee. Or you just want to take a nap in the middle of the day.

Now it’s time to look a little further than your table; what does the space in which you work and live look like? Does order reign there, or do you carefully sit on the edge of the table so as not to inadvertently disturb all the mess that you have been too lazy to clean up for weeks? Try to create a minimalist atmosphere around you by removing unnecessary things and keeping the place clean.

The modern person also needs to filter and minimize the information and news that is just piling up from everywhere. Undoubtedly, it is easier to do this by communicating with people whose opinions and interests you share. Otherwise, for whatever reasons you have to communicate, there may be a risk of accumulation of irritation and anger that will tear you apart from the inside. Hence, poor health and, as a result, complete apathy for your favorite activity and even for the closest people. Try to avoid communicating with people who are constantly unhappy with everything, aggressive, and simply do not suit your temperament.

Thus, making sure that you do not have any health problems, setting up a sleep and nutrition schedule, getting positive emotions from communicating with people, you can get closer to your goal of excellent health and vigor. Add here the time when you disconnect from all gadgets and just be alone with yourself, nature, or loved ones – and your physical and mental state will definitely improve.

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