

The Best Hobbies to Help Develop Soft Skills 

The Best Hobbies to Help Develop Soft Skills 

Soft Skills – What Is It?   In simple words, soft skills are skills of a general nature that are associated with personal qualities. They are not related to professional skills or associated with a particular specialty. Unlike hard skills (profession-related), soft skills are difficult to measure. For example, it is difficult to determine a person’s …

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What Is the Attention Economy and How to Avoid Its Influence 

What Is the Attention Economy and How to Avoid Its Influence 

Do you think ads are everywhere? You don’t even know how much. Now advertisers don’t just buy integrations from your favorite bloggers or target sites you’ve visited recently. Instead, they are interested in everything that interests you, like that same schoolgirl in love. Let’s find out why the attention economy is becoming more and more …

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How to Train Your Brain and Prevent Yourself from Degradation at Any Age

How to Train Your Brain and Prevent Yourself from Degradation at Any Age?

How to prevent the brain from degenerating? This question bothers most of the world’s thinking population. Today I will tell you about neuroplasticity and how to develop it at home! Let’s go! What is Bain Degradation and Neuroplasticity? Brain degeneration is the loss of specific skills and the inability of the brain to adapt to …

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Why Self-Development Plans Don't Work and How to Fix It

Why Self-Development Plans Don’t Work and How to Fix It

You’ll find thousands of articles and hundreds of books on how to make a personal self-development plan and become the best version of yourself, but they all have one pitfall – they rarely succeed. Why? Today, I’ll tell you 10 reasons why those plans fail and how to make them work. Integrate Self-Development Plan into …

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Find Out How to Learn: 6 Books on the Most Effective Educational Methods

Learning throughout life is becoming the norm in a world of artificial intelligence, robotization, and remote education. We constantly need to learn new things and change our qualifications to keep up with technologies. So, it’s time to educate ourselves and learn how to remember things better, what myths prevent learning, why traditional schools are bad, …

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Making the Brain Learn: How to Use Neurobiology in Practice

Making the Brain Learn: How to Use Neurobiology in Practice

The question “Can the brain be forced to learn?” is not as simple as it seems. Besides, this statement is misleading since it assumes there is a learning organ responsible for the higher nervous activity, and there is a “self” that can force it to do something. Unfortunately, science still finds it difficult to answer …

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