
Great writing is valuable

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Frequently asked questions

The goal of this section is to provide early answers to possible questions from visitors and future authors. Before signing up as a reader or applying to become an author on this platform, there might arise some questions regarding our policies, rules, or any other issues. For example, everyone is usually interested in the common information about the blogging platform and what they can find here, or about the steps that should be made to become a new author here.
The subject of the question may not always be a defect or a problem. Sometimes simple things need clarification that are obvious to the creators and regular users of an information resource, but far from obvious to beginners. This may be due to their lack of time spent researching the information about the similar platform or just a curiosity to get to know the details from the firsthand.
As a rule, the alternative is a callback, with which the visitor requests a call from a specialist, or a support chat where a customer can ask all thier questions. Usually, it is done to be able to consult on all issues of interest with a real representative of the company. But it can take quite some time.
FAQ makes life easier for resource administrators by eliminating the need to repeatedly answer typical questions. Practice shows that people rarely try to solve the problem on their own. Many seek help without trying to figure it out. For such, it is especially important to indicate the presence of a block with answers
So, this section will be devoted to the questions that usually arise with our clients more often. If you found the answer to your issue - that's great, but if, after reading all the FAQs, you still have some inquiries - please feel free to contact the support by email [email protected].

What Is Readease?
Readease is a platform where authors are able to place and share their personal blogs and photos as paid content on various topics, and customers can find what they are interested in and subscribe to an author on a paid basis to get all their updates. You can find atricles on the following themes here:
  • Fashion
  • Sports
  • Technologies
  • Finances
  • Blockchain
  • Health
  • Self-Development
  • Love
How Do I Become a Premium Reader?
To become a Premium Readease reader, you will first have to create an account on the platform. To do so, you will have to provide your accurate personal information, such as name, email address, etc. Before creating an account, please read the Privacy Policy section to make all the platform rules clear to yourself, such as an obligation to keep your personal information up to date or provide payment information you are going to use. But please, be sure that all the data you provide is strictly confidential and will be safe and secure.
What Are the Payment Options at Readease?
As a Premium Reader, you will have an opportunity to buy access for three days, a week, or a month for a specific author, after which you will get all the content of this author. You can choose any category and any author that you like to subscribe to. Currently, all users are able to make their payments using credit cards - Visa or MasterCard. Please note, that you are free to subscribe to more than one author.
How Do I Become a Readease Content Author?
If you decide to become a content creator at the Readease platform, you will first need to fill up an application form. There you will be asked to provide some personal data and the work topics that you plan to write about. Then, when your application is approved, a manager will contact you for further action. So, be sure you have provided truthful, up-to-date, correct, and complete information.
What Opportunities and Options Will I Have as a Readease Author?
At the Readease platform, all authors are able to create personal accounts, upload their content like photos and texts and get profit from their subscribers. Try to make it valuable, so that customers will enjoy your personal blog, because your popularity is directly proportional to your profit. But, please make sure that you do not violate any copyright rights and post only unique and interesting content.

Testimonials of our authors

We always open to receive your feedback and do our best to provide the best service to our authors and their readers.

If you want to leave feedback – please, send letter at [email protected]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

— Kamuta Hiravata

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

— Patric Lange

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

— Kamuta Hiravata

To become an author you need to register
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