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  • Self-development

    This blog will be dedicated to making yourself better in all possible ways. I wanna show you how many things around us form us as a person and influence our health, minds, thoughts, and well-being. Some of this influence only makes us stronger, more educated, more open-minded, and more tolerant. But others may block our self-growth, so we must find ways how to deal with these blockers. Follow my blog for all the tips I have to share!

  • Technologies

    Welcome to my little digital shrine erected in the name of progress! With each article, I am counting down the moments until we humans reach technological singularity and enter the era of transhumanism. My father used to have a computer repair shop, and I started tinkering with circuits and wires long before I could spell the words. Now, as a cloud computing architect, I derive great pleasure from scanning the web for the exciting advancements happening in the realm of ones and zeros! If you ever happen to feel underwhelmed by where the cyber-industry is going, come by for a healthy portion of techno-optimism!

  • Self-development

    Assalam Alleikum to everyone! My name is Basim, I was born in Yemen, and when the war there started I have travelled aroun a lot of Arab countries and then moved to Europe. I am sure that all the problems in the modern world occure because people forgot what are the main values in their life: honesty, love, respect, trust. I hope that my blog will help at least a couple of human beings to find the goodness in them and become a little better!

  • Fashion

    Hello there! I’m Abby, I love fashion, and I’m here to share my love with you! Are you ready to find the top-secret tips to dress impeccably no matter where you go? Do you want to know the philosophy behind the celebrities’ outfits? Are you one of those who cannot help but save every outfit they like? Then I’m here to help you – fashion from A to Z with Abby begins right now. Welcome to my blog!

  • Finances

    Hey everyone! My mission in this blog is to provide people with simple explanations about complex financial issues for those who need financial guidance and support. Often people give up on their financial literacy even before they start developing it just by looking at all that complex terms and schemes. Here, I will try to find the right approach to make these topics easy, fun, engaging, and relatable. Enjoy!

  • Self-development

    “Want to have a strong discipline and develop yourself independently? Then I welcome you to my blog dedicated to self-development! Here you will learn how to train your brain, set yourself a goal and achieve it, what is the best place to study, and a lot of other valuable information.
    Let’s develop together!”

  • Health

    Hey everyone! I’m Tara, and I’m a yoga instructor! I know how hard it can be to find harmony with your body and mind on different levels. Here, I would like to share my personal experience with you and give you some tips that can help you develop a healthy lifestyle. Welcome to my blog, I hope you will enjoy it and find it useful!

  • Technologies

    My blog is devoted to the beauty of technology. It always fascinates me how in our modern world, various kinds of technological inventions find their way into all fields of human life. I am an engineer myself, working on creating medical-related software, but I love spending hours researching how far the progress has gone in computer science, space tech, or in the gaming domain, for example. So here I will share my most exciting findings will all of you!

  • Sports

    Are you a sports nut just like me? Then you will definitely enjoy reading my blog! As a fitness trainer with five years of experience, I have plenty of experience working with people of different physiques, ages, and requirements. In my blog, you can discover a heap of helpful information on workouts, benefits of different types of physical exercises, and sports equipment reviews! Welcome and enjoy reading!

  • Love

    The blog you’re seeing is a lovechild of my own insecurities and willpower, born after several particularly disheartening breakups. I was tired of always falling prey to toxic relationships, and had to find the means of rediscovering myself and changing the attitude to the world around – to a considerable success. Now here I am, ready to take the pain away from your not-so-happy love endeavors – instead of looking for a silver lining, we’ll dig deeper into the architecture of romance, discovering insights about you, him/her, and what ultimately led your dream-come-true to a bitter end. Take a box of tissues, if you need, cause it’s time to cure that heartbreak the hard way, and come out of it stronger than ever!