
Inflammatory Processes in the Body, How to Avoid Them, and Why Pay Close Attention to the Intestine

The phrase “health and beauty come from within” is probably familiar to everyone. And if you have any, even minor, problems in the functioning of internal organs, you will surely be among the first to agree with this statement. In this article, we will talk about the health of the intestine because this organ affects not only the state of the digestive system but also the skin, brain function, and even our mental health.

Some interesting facts about the intestine:

  • its length is 6-7 meters;
  • about 80% of the immunity of the whole organism depends on the intestines;
  • in healthy people, several hundred microorganisms or bacteria live in the intestines;
  • the intestine plays the role of neutralizing harmful microorganisms, maintains the water-salt balance and a healthy microflora, removes toxins from the body;
  • it produces the hormone of happiness, serotonin.

The intestine is where the process of digestion of nutrients takes place, for which it is important to maintain a balance of microflora. If you notice a deterioration in well-being and functioning of the intestine, your body may not be able to cope with protection against pathogenic organisms and toxins, digestion, absorption of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, which affects the entire immune system. Problems with the intestinal microflora, as a result of which the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the skin increases, directly affect the condition of the skin and cause various skin diseases.

Inflammatory Processes: How to Prevent and When to Raise the Alarm

Of course, any changes in the work of the intestine for the worse make themselves felt gradually, and only after a long period of ignoring such symptoms, malignant processes can begin in the body. Therefore, if you know about hereditary diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or already have problems with other organs of this system, do not try to improve the condition on your own but seek help from doctors.

At the same time, most of the factors that lead to irreversible processes in the intestine appear due to the eating habits of human habits, as well as:

  • due to a poor and unbalanced diet, which lacks vitamins and elements;
  • the presence of bad habits and a passive lifestyle;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • not adhering to sanitary standards when preparing and eating food;
  • bad ecology: air, and water;
  • excess body weight;
  • stress.

Obviously, not everything depends on the presence of a person’s healthy habits and the quality of their diet and lifestyle. But where it is possible to have a positive effect on the work of the intestines, a person should do it on their own and avoid the above scenarios that negatively affect the body as a whole and the organs of the digestive tract separately.

It is worth noting that the inflammatory process does not always indicate something irreparable. Like reddening of the skin after a push, inflammation in the body can come and go in a matter of minutes without causing damage, but only as a reaction to some provoking factor, for example, an expired product in the case of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, we are talking about acute (short-term) inflammation, which is the body’s normal response to a specific injury. In addition, chronic inflammation is distinguished when the inflammatory response of the body is prolonged. A chronic reaction can last from weeks to months to years.

Last but not least, the condition of the intestine depends on nutrition as well as the amount of good and unhealthy bacteria in the intestine.

It All Starts With Self Care – How to Take Care of Your Gut Health

Flatulence, fatigue, sleep problems, irritable bowels – these are all symptoms that should prompt you to pay more attention to your health. Why can there be discomfort in the intestines? The reasons that lie on the surface may be the following. As already mentioned, there is a population of microorganisms in the intestines; moreover, it is individual for each person. This composition includes beneficial bacteria of the intestinal microflora that protect against inflammatory diseases and metabolic disorders and those that cause diseases and even disorders of a different nature.

In order to regulate inflammatory processes in the intestines, doctors advise:

  • Eat more raw or baked vegetables and fruits and other foods rich in fiber.
  • Olive oil has a nice enveloping effect, while green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, celery, parsley, and dill are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory elements. Include broccoli in your diet, which helps with chronic inflammation.
  • Flax seeds have great benefits for the digestive tract as they have a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are necessary for normal metabolism and mucus-forming effect, protecting the gastric mucosa from harmful bacteria and removing toxins from the body.
  • Refuse for some time or reduce the consumption of dairy and sweet cereals, fruits, and berries with high acidity, sour-milk products.
  • Exclude fried and fatty foods, such as margarine, lard, mayonnaise, and smoked sausages, as well as sugar, alcohol, spicy foods, coffee, and strong tea.

It is also important to note the need to drink plenty of water – and remember that no other drink can replace it. Water, among other things, helps the coarse fibers of insoluble fiber to swell and easily cleanse the intestinal walls.

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