
4 Main Recommendations on How to Dive into Love and Not Lose Yourself

When we are 13, we say: “those kisses and hugs are awful”. When we turn 15, we start walking and holding hands with the boy or girl we like. When we turn 17, we call our parents and ask if we could stay overnight with our boyfriend or girlfriend. And these are fantastic feelings and fantastic experiences, but they are dangerous at the same time. Dangerous as roses with spikes, dangerous as the poison on Julietta’s lips. Those teenage hearts and minds that have never had such feelings before risk getting lost in the storm of love and never coming back. I was one of such people, but luckily, I found the way and got help to get back to the surface. In this article, I would like to give you 4 recommendations on surviving in this cruel world of poisons and thorns.

1. Never Forget About Your Friends

Your friends are people who, basically, created you and made you who you are. In your childhood, these are your parents, but when you grow up, you spend more time with your friends. You influence, help, share your feelings and fears, lend a shoulder, and so on. Unfortunately, when love comes to a teenager’s life, it is a new all-devouring feeling. Love is like air, it wants to get all the space possible. Many young people get into this trap. You dive into the new feeling and get lost, forgetting everything around them. However, love is compared to drugs, not in vain; soon, you start suffering because your lifestyle changes, your heart and soul need some help to replenish their emotional reserves, and that is where your friends can help you. Or cannot, if you forgot about them and left. Definitely, love is great, but do not underestimate the power and importance of friendship. Your friends are your emotional support, martini shot, psychologists, and shield.

2. Never Forget About Your Hobbies

Yeah, there will be many ” nevers ” in this post. Spending a lot of time with the person we love, we start to copy each other and adopt each other’s habits and hobbies. It is great if from the very beginning they were the same or similar, in this case, there are no problems. However, it is difficult to disagree that there are many very different people worldwide. There is even a saying: “opposites attract”. Indeed, they do. But this is the very point, the keyword – “opposites”. Unfortunately, people often spend so much time with each other that they start doing the same things, loving the same things, and being interested in the same things. “Loving the same things, and being interested in the same things” – I should better do like this. In fact, it is often a self-deception. I am not saying that people cannot change their tastes or interests during their life. My idea is that starting relationships, people constantly sacrifice their interests, thinking that if they watch the same movies and love the same food, their relationships will be stronger and better. Unfortunately, the effect is completely opposite: it only weakens them. Time passes, and you become more irritated and angrier because you need to pretend to be someone else, and your partner is used to this; they may not even know the true you.

3. Never Be Afraid of a Break-Up

The border here is very thin: value your relationships, work on them, but never let the fear of breaking-up start ruling the party. Fear is a powerful and dangerous emotion. Remember Star Wars: “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads you to the dark side”. A fantasy movie, but a wise and actual quote. Unfortunately, people often think valuing relationships equals being afraid to lose them. If you respect your partner and cherish your relationships – you will work on them, improve yourself, help your partner to improve, and strengthen your connection. If you are afraid to lose them, well, you get jealous, suspicious, and angry. And these feelings lead you to the dark side.

4. Never Consider Relationships as Something Self-Evident

People are constantly falling in love, getting married, having children, create families. It leads us to an illusion that this is just a natural life flow. You eat, work, find a girlfriend, get married, have children, everything is genuine, although … It is not. Relationships like work require constant improvement, education, and… relationships-life balance. Indeed, the biggest mistake young people make is thinking that relationships are as natural as air and they can find a partner and live with them as simple as cooking a sandwich for breakfast. Unfortunately (or not), maintaining relationships is a highly different task. Why (not)? Because this is like a natural filter to test, who is ready, and who is not.

So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, do not lose yourselves and be ready to work really hard on your happiness. Oh, I forgot one thing! Fin an evening every week to sit with your loved one under a cozy blanket, watching a movie with some popcorn! It is also one of the secrets of happy relationships!

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